After over a decade of working with, listening to and helping strata owners, the demand for an individually customised product was identified. Strata Savings was born to provide property owners and their building with a service that fits their unique needs.
Our purpose is to provide property owners with only the services they need and want. If you are a highly self-sufficient Committee, who organises their own contractors and meetings, we don’t see the need to charge you for a service you won’t use. Likewise, if you are a simple row of townhouses or apartments with low-levels of activity, we have a basic strata management solution that will achieve your legal requirements at a fraction of your current cost.
We achieve lower cost strata management by only charging you for what you need and use. In traditional strata management, a dedicated strata manager or maintenance manager can amount to 30-50% of your monthly management fee. We utilize software and internet resources to reduce our running costs.